Spend $200 or more for free shipping!

Payment Methods

We accept most major Credit Cards

We accept the following Visa, Master Cards, AMEX, JCB, Discover, Diners Club.
Check out is the normal process Log into your account put your shipping address, shipping address in the required fields.

Then your input your CC# once that is done confirm. We will receive you order and ship it out as soon as we receive the payment confirmation.


Using Cash App to Send Your Payment – US only

Set-up Instructions for CashApp
Our Cashtag: $jeffcruzpro
Name appears as: Jeff Cruise
You need to download the CashApp.
If you have Android, go to: Google Play Store for Apple, go to: Apple App Store
Install the app on your phone.
How to Pay Us with CashApp
Select Cash App to open the application.
Press the dollar sign button.
Put in the full payment amount including shipping and any applicable fees.
Select Pay.
Enter the phone number given to you at checkout.
Leave a note or a memo to help us reference your order:
Put your order number (Order #) from the Thank You page and the confirmation email
*** DO NOT add any other details about your order, such as product details, etc ***
Hit Pay to send your payment.
Chat With Us: Click Here

The basics

If you already have a wallet with cryptocurrency and are ready to make your first purchase, you can skip this step.
Yet, if you have never used crypto but want to do so and wish to buy something with it, then you are in the right place. Follow these steps to set up your crypto wallet and purchase crypto:

1. Download and install a crypto wallet app. For instance, you can use Guarda, which has both desktop and mobile versions.
2. Open the wallet and generate a crypto address for the coin which you wish to have. Remember to save your seed phrase and the private key and do not disclose them to anyone since these are the keys to your funds.
3. Once you have your public address, you can send crypto to this address. Note that every cryptocurrency requires its own unique crypto address.
4. To purchase crypto, you can go to custodial exchanges such as Binance or non-custodial ones such as СhangeNOW.
5. Then, after purchasing the crypto of your choice, you can transfer it to your previously generated crypto address.
6. In order to make the process of payment easier and more convenient, we recommend using a mobile crypto wallet since, thus, you will be able to simply scan a QR code and confirm the transaction.

Making a purchase and sending payment

Since NOWPayments offers several different tools for accepting crypto payments, there are two main types of payment processes. First of all, let’s explore the payment process at online stores which integrate NOWPayments’ plugins and API. Here are the steps you need to take to pay at an online store that uses NOWPayments’ solutions:
Please note that the payment processes may vary depending on the merchants’ website interface. Nevertheless, the steps outlined below are, in general, present in every online store.

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1. Add items to your cart and go to the checkout page.
2. Fill out the form by providing your shipping address and other requested details and choose your shipping method.
3. On the “Payment” page, choose NOWPayments from the available options.
4. On the “Review and Pay” page, make sure that your shipping address is correct and press the NOWPayments button.
5. In the menu, pick the cryptocurrency in which you would like to pay for your products and proceed to payment.
6. Next, transfer the required sum in crypto to the merchant’s address. Alternatively, you can use your smartphone’s camera to scan the QR code and pay with crypto using your mobile crypto wallet app.
7. Once the payment is made, you will get a receipt, and the merchant will ship your product to you.